Smoke testing and regression testing are both important types of software testing, but they serve different purposes and are executed at different stages of the development process. Here’s a comparison of smoke testing vs regression testing:
Smoke Testing:
It occurs at the beginning of testing, typically right after a new build is created.
It focuses on verifying the most essential functions of a program to ensure basic stability.
It is a quick and focused test to check if the build is stable enough to proceed with further testing.
Usually, it covers only the core functionalities of the software.
Regression Testing:
Takes place after every significant change or update to the software.
Aims to verify that recent changes haven’t negatively impacted existing functionality.
It is more comprehensive and time-consuming compared to smoke testing.
Covers a broader range of functionalities, including both new and existing features.
Key Differences:
Smoke testing is always followed by regression testing, not vice versa.
Smoke testing is a shallow, quick check, while regression testing is a deeper, more thorough examination.
Both developers and testers typically execute smoke tests, whereas regression tests are usually conducted only by the QA team.
A tabular comparison between Smoke Testing and Regression Testing
Here’s a tabular comparison between both of them.
Aspect | Smoke Testing | Regression Testing |
Purpose | To check if the build is stable enough to proceed with further testing | To verify if any recent changes have affected existing functionalities |
Scope | Limited to critical functionalities | Comprehensive, covering both new and existing features |
Timing | Performed immediately after a new build | Performed after every significant change or update |
Depth | Shallow, quick check | A large number of test cases |
Duration | Quick and brief | Time-consuming and extensive |
Performed by | A deep, thorough examination | Typically done by the QA team |
Test Cases | Often manual, it can be automated | A few critical test cases |
Automation | Often manual, can be automated | Frequently automated |
Frequency | Every build | After each significant change |
Goal | Identify major issues quickly | Ensure new changes don’t break existing features |
You can also check out What is smoke testing in Software engineering
In summary, smoke testing is a quick initial check to ensure basic functionality, while regression testing is a more comprehensive process to ensure that new changes don’t break existing features.

My name is Madhu, and I’m a certified Test Consultant with more than 16 years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining manual and Test Automation in the Software industry. I have experience with automation tools such as Selenium, Katalon Studio, etc.