Smoke Testing vs Integration Testing

Smoke testing and integration testing are both important types of software testing, but they serve different purposes and are typically conducted at different stages of the development process.

Smoke testing, also known as a sanity check, is a quick and simple test designed to verify that a system’s basic functionality is working correctly after a new build or deployment. It’s typically a high-level check that ensures the software’s most critical features are operational. Smoke tests are often automated and act as a gatekeeper to determine whether more extensive testing should proceed.

Integration testing, on the other hand, is more comprehensive and focuses on verifying that different components or modules of a system work together correctly. It checks the interaction between various parts of the software, including interfaces between different units, modules, or even external systems.

Key differences

Scope: Smoke tests are broader but shallower, covering critical functionalities, while integration tests are more focused on specific interactions between components.

Depth: Integration tests are typically more in-depth than smoke tests, which are designed to be quick and simple.

Timing: Smoke tests are often run after every build or deployment, whereas integration tests are usually conducted after unit tests but before system-wide testing.

Purpose: Smoke tests aim to quickly identify major issues that would prevent further testing, while integration tests ensure that different parts of the system work together as expected.

Here’s a tabular comparison of Smoke Testing vs Integration Testing:

Based OnSmoke TestingIntegration Testing
PurposeQuickly check if basic functionalities work after a new buildTest interactions between different components or modules
ScopeCovers critical functionalities and core featuresMore comprehensive, tests multiple integrated units
TimingPerformed early in the development cyclePerformed after unit testing but before system testing
DepthShallow and broad, it checks if the system “smokes” when startedDeep and focused on specific integrations
DurationQuick and simpleMore time-consuming
GoalDetermine if the build is stable enough for further testingEnsure different parts of the system work together correctly
AutomationOften automated for efficiencyIt can be automated or manual, depending on the complexity
Failure ImpactMay reject the build for further testingIdentifies integration issues but doesn’t necessarily halt testing

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Both types of testing are crucial in the software development lifecycle, with smoke testing providing rapid feedback on build stability and integration testing ensuring the cohesive functioning of the system’s components.