What is test case in Manual testing

what is test case in manual testing

Test cases, especially manual testing, play a crucial role in software quality assurance. A test case is a set of actions designed to verify whether a software application is functioning according to the client’s requirements. The Importance of Test Cases in Manual Testing Manual testing relies heavily on human interaction with the software, making well-defined … Read more >>

How do you choose automated testing over manual testing

how do you choose automated testing over manual testing

When deciding between automated testing and manual testing, several factors should be considered. You may also like following the articles below By carefully evaluating these factors in the context of your specific project, you can make an informed decision on when to choose automated testing over manual testing.

Why Manual testing is important

why manual testing is important

Despite the increasing demand for automated testing in software development, manual testing remains a critical component of quality assurance for several important reasons, as listed below. You may also like following the articles below In conclusion, while automated testing has its place in modern software development, manual testing continues to play a crucial role. Its … Read more >>

What is Manual testing and Automation testing

what is manual testing and automation testing

Manual Testing and Automation Testing: Two Pillars of Software Quality Assurance Manual Testing Manual testing involves human testers interacting directly with the software, simulating real-world usage scenarios. Testers navigate through the application, input data, and observe the results, relying on their experience and intuition to identify issues. This hands-on approach allows for a nuanced evaluation … Read more >>

Unit Testing vs Integration Testing vs System Testing

unit testing vs integration testing vs system testing

Software testing is a crucial part of the development process, and it involves different levels of testing to ensure the quality and reliability of the software. Let’s compare three important types of testing: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and System Testing. Unit Testing Unit testing is the most granular level of testing, focusing on individual software … Read more >>

Integration Testing vs Regression Testing

Integration Testing vs Regression Testing

Integration testing and regression testing are two important types of software testing that serve different purposes in the development process: Integration Testing Integration testing focuses on verifying the interactions between different components or modules of a software system. It ensures that various parts of the application work together correctly when combined. This type of testing … Read more >>

Integration Testing vs System Testing

Integration Testing vs System Testing

Integration testing and system testing are two important phases in the software testing process, each serving different purposes and occurring at different stages of development. Integration Testing Integration testing focuses on verifying the interfaces and interactions between software components or modules. It typically occurs after unit testing and before system testing. The main goal is … Read more >>

What is regression testing in software engineering

What is regression testing in software engineering

Regression testing is a type of software testing that ensures existing features continue to work as expected when new changes are introduced to the codebase. It’s a critical process that helps maintain the overall quality and stability of software applications throughout their lifecycle. The primary goal of regression testing is to catch software functionality regressions … Read more >>

What is functional testing in software engineering

what is functional testing in software engineering

In software engineering, functional testing is a critical type of software testing that verifies whether an application’s features work according to specified requirements. It’s an essential part of the quality assurance process, focusing on the functionality of the software from the user’s perspective. At its core, functional testing validates the software system against functional requirements … Read more >>

What is RCA in software testing

In software testing, Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a crucial methodology for identifying and addressing the underlying reasons behind software defects. RCA is a structured and effective process that examines various aspects of software development to pinpoint the origin of issues. RCA in Software Testing Root Cause Analysis is more than just finding and fixing … Read more >>