What is Security Testing in Software Testing

What is Security Testing in Software Testing

Security testing has become an indispensable component of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As cyber threats continue to evolve and escalate, organizations must prioritize application security to protect sensitive data, maintain user trust, and safeguard their reputation. Security testing is an essential phase in the SDLC that aims to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats … Read more >>

What is load testing in Software Testing

What is load testing in Software Testing

Load testing is a critical type of performance testing in software development that simulates real-world usage conditions to evaluate how a system, application, or website performs under expected and peak load scenarios. Here’s a comprehensive overview of load testing: Load testing is defined as a type of software testing that determines a system’s performance under … Read more >>

How to use ChatGPT in Software Testing

How to use ChatGPT in Software Testing

ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful tool in the field of software testing, offering innovative ways to enhance and streamline various testing processes. Here’s how you can effectively leverage ChatGPT in your software testing workflow: You may also like following the articles below To effectively use ChatGPT in software testing, it’s crucial to formulate clear … Read more >>

What is a V model in Software Testing

What is a V model in Software Testing

The V-Model is a critical approach to software development and testing that has gained significant traction in recent years. It is an extension of the traditional waterfall model, designed to address some of its predecessor’s limitations while emphasizing the importance of testing throughout the development lifecycle. Understanding the V-Model At its core, the V-Model is … Read more >>

What is non functional testing in manual testing

What is non functional testing in manual testing

Non-functional testing is a critical component of manual testing that focuses on evaluating aspects of software that go beyond basic functionality. While functional testing ensures that an application works as intended, non-functional testing assesses the software’s performance, usability, reliability, and other qualitative aspects that significantly impact user experience and overall system quality. Key Areas of … Read more >>

What is framework in Manual testing

What is framework in Manual testing

A framework in manual testing is a structured approach that provides guidelines and best practices for organizing and executing test cases effectively. While the term “framework” is often associated with automated testing, it can also be applied to manual testing to improve efficiency and consistency. A testing framework is a set of guidelines that support … Read more >>

What are the tools used in Manual testing

what are the tools used in manual testing

Manual testing is an essential part of software quality assurance, and testers use various tools to streamline their processes. Some of the most commonly used tools in manual testing include: You may also like following the articles below These tools assist testers in various aspects of manual testing, including test case management, bug tracking, performance … Read more >>

What is UI testing in Manual testing

What is UI testing in Manual testing

User Interface (UI) testing is a critical component of software quality assurance, particularly in manual testing environments. UI testing, also known as GUI (Graphical User Interface) testing, is a mechanism designed to evaluate the aspects of software that a user will directly interact with. Manual UI testing involves a human tester performing a set of … Read more >>

What is test coverage in Manual testing

What is test coverage in Manual testing

Test coverage in manual testing refers to a metric that measures the amount of testing performed by a set of tests. It is a technique used to determine the extent to which the application code has been tested and how thoroughly the requirements have been covered. In manual testing, test coverage helps assess the effectiveness … Read more >>

How to write good test cases in Manual testing

How to write good test cases in Manual testing

Writing good test cases for manual testing is essential for effective quality assurance. Here are key guidelines to help you create high-quality test cases You may also like the following the below articles By following these guidelines, you can create effective, efficient, and maintainable test cases that contribute to thorough and reliable manual testing of … Read more >>