When we do smoke and sanity testing

When we do smoke and sanity testing

Smoke and sanity testing are both types of software testing typically performed at different stages of the development process. Here’s when each type of testing is usually conducted: Smoke Testing Sanity Testing Key differences Both types of testing are important for quickly identifying major issues and ensuring the software is ready for more comprehensive testing … Read more >>

What is sanity testing in QA

What is sanity testing in QA

Sanity testing is a type of software testing performed after receiving a software build, with minor changes in code or functionality, to ascertain that the bugs have been fixed and no further issues are introduced due to these changes. It is a subset of regression testing often used as a checkpoint to determine if testing … Read more >>

White Box Testing vs Black Box Testing

white box testing vs black box testing

White box testing and black box testing are two fundamental approaches in software testing, each with distinct characteristics and purposes: Internal Structure Testing Perspective Test Case Design Skill Set Required Testing Level Coverage Timing in the Development Cycle You may also like following the articles below Both testing methods have their strengths and are often … Read more >>

What is black box testing

What is black box testing

Black box testing is a fundamental software testing technique that plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications. In this method, the tester is not aware of the system’s internal workings or code structure. This approach focuses on examining an application’s functionality from an external perspective, similar to how an … Read more >>

Test Strategy vs Test Approach

Test Strategy vs Test Approach

In the world of software quality assurance, two terms often come up in discussions: test strategy and test approach. While they might seem similar at first glance, they serve different purposes in the testing process. Let’s explore the distinctions between these two concepts and their roles in ensuring software quality. Test Strategy A test strategy … Read more >>

Test Strategy vs Test Plan

Test Strategy vs Test Plan

In the world of software testing, two crucial documents often come up in discussion: the test strategy and the test plan. While both are essential for ensuring quality assurance, they serve different purposes and operate at different levels within an organization. Let’s explore the key differences between these two important testing documents. A test strategy … Read more >>

What is test strategy in Software Testing

What is test strategy in Software Testing

Ensuring the quality and reliability of applications is paramount in software development. This is where the concept of a test strategy comes into play. A test strategy is a high-level document that outlines the testing technique used in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The Main Purpose of a Test Strategy A test strategy serves … Read more >>

Difference between load and stress testing in software testing

difference between load and stress testing in software testing

Load testing and stress testing are two important types of performance testing in software development, each with distinct purposes and methodologies Load Testing Load testing simulates real-life application load to assess how a system performs under expected usage conditions. It aims to: Stress Testing Stress testing pushes the system beyond its limits to identify breaking … Read more >>

What is Stress Testing in Software Testing

What is Stress Testing in Software Testing

Stress testing is a critical component of software quality assurance that pushes systems to their limits to evaluate performance, stability, and reliability under extreme conditions. This testing technique determines the robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of normal operation, providing valuable insights into how an application behaves when stretched to its breaking point. … Read more >>

What is Security Testing in Software Testing

What is Security Testing in Software Testing

Security testing has become an indispensable component of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). As cyber threats continue to evolve and escalate, organizations must prioritize application security to protect sensitive data, maintain user trust, and safeguard their reputation. Security testing is an essential phase in the SDLC that aims to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and potential threats … Read more >>